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Oct 20, 2023 Denzil Wessels - CEO

Keeping Your Business Data to Yourself

In the corporate landscape, data is the lifeblood of businesses. It drives critical decisions and fuels essential processes. The rise of cloud-based storage and SaaS solutions has offered companies the allure of flexibility and scalability. But what is cloud computing? And what is SaaS? If you think about it, it’s just other people’s computers. There are compelling reasons for businesses to be cautious when considering the migration of their data to other people’s computers. Could keeping your data on-premises and in your own “hands” be the best choice for your organization? Why would you willingly hand over your data to someone else?

Security Risks with Data Migration

The practice of entrusting third-party providers with your organization's sensitive data immediately prompts the question: "Why would you give someone else your data?" While established cloud and SaaS providers maintain robust security measures, other people’s computers are not impervious to data breaches, unauthorized access, or cyberattacks. Migrating data to the cloud translates to surrendering direct control over its security.

Compliance Challenges

In a landscape where data privacy regulations like GDPR, HIPPA, CCPA, etc. continue to evolve, business leaders have to ponder: "Why would you put your data at the mercy of external providers?" Cloud storage and SaaS providers may inadvertently complicate compliance efforts, given the potential dispersal of data across different geographic locations, each governed by their own unique regulations. Ensuring your company’s compliance becomes a complex and scary endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the provider's practices and a meticulous adherence to intricate regulatory stipulations.

Access Control and Data Accessibility

The question of "Why would you compromise access control policies?" arises when considering cloud storage and SaaS providers. While the cloud promises remote accessibility, the cloud is just other people’s computers and it may inadvertently weaken access controls, potentially leading to the inadvertent exposure of sensitive information. And then there’s remote data access that can introduce latency, potentially hampering productivity and decision-making processes.

The Challenge of Time

"Is the time spent on data migration worth the convenience?"

The process of migrating your data to a cloud or SaaS provider, a data lake or even a data warehouse can be lengthy and complex. First, you need to plan the migration, which involves assessing the volume of data to be moved and its compatibility with the provider. Data transformation, clean-up, and optimization are often required to ensure seamless integration. This preparatory phase can take weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of your data.

Next comes the actual migration, during which your data is moved. This process can be time-consuming and may lead to downtime for your business operations. The speed of data migration depends on some really basic factors like your internet connection, the volume of data, and the efficiency of the provider's import tools. It's not uncommon for the migration itself to take days or weeks to complete, especially for large datasets.

As a result, the valuable time invested in data migration raises the question: "Is the convenience of using other people’s computers really worth the potential disruption to your business operations and the time spent in data transfer?"

Benefits of Keeping Data Where It Lives

Opting to retain data where it resides—whether on-premises or within your organization's infrastructure—offers several compelling advantages:

Tighter Access Control Policies

By keeping data within your organization's infrastructure, you retain full control over who can access and modify it. This heightened control minimizes the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches, fortifying data security. The question then becomes, "Why compromise on access control?"

Reduced Data Migration Complexity

The question becomes, "Why introduce the complexities of data migration when it's not necessary?" By avoiding data migration, businesses can simplify their IT infrastructure, reduce operational overhead, and streamline data management, ultimately leading to cost savings and operational efficiency.

Enhanced Data Security

Retaining data on-premises empowers organizations to implement security policies that are specific to their own, unique requirements. The question arises, "Why settle for generic security when you can customize it to meet your specific needs and standards?"

Faster Time to Access

Local data storage ensures faster access to critical information. The question shifts to, "Why wouldn't you want to access your data quickly?" Data retrieval speed significantly impacts decision-making processes and daily operations, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

The practice of migrating data invites a fundamental question: "Why would you willingly give someone else your data?" While using cloud and SaaS based solutions offers convenience and scalability, businesses must take a long, hard look at the security and compliance risks it invites. By keeping data where it already lives, organizations can enjoy quicker access, tighter access control policies, enhanced security, and streamlined data management. These advantages fortify data protection, bolster operational efficiency, and help businesses navigate the complex terrain of regulatory compliance, ensuring that their most valuable asset remains firmly under their control and protection.

Here at Dymium, we are addressing one of the most pressing issues organizations are faced with today: how to securely and cost-effectively manage the data access requirements across a proliferation of data in the midst of an advancing world of cloud technology, data analytics, distributed development environments and AI-projects. 

We take data protection to where your data lives rather than you having to move it, make copies of it or build yet another data lake or warehouse.  

Join us on our journey as we revolutionize data access and governance, transcending the limitations of traditional data management and protection. 

Published by Denzil Wessels - CEO October 20, 2023
Denzil Wessels - CEO