About Us
Building for Humanity
Dymium creates a secure access zone around your data in its existing location and format ensuring its protection and automatically applying policy-driven access for your users.
Our Mission
To accelerate innovation and agility without putting your company, country or citizens at risk.
We believe that data does not need to move to be accessed. It can stay where it is. No extra copies. No new databases, lakes or warehouses. No separate access policies and environments to manage. Users should be able to access only the data that they need, in the context they need it, in the right format in real-time without the burden of managing yet another data environment.

Team Dymium
Meet Our Leadership
Dymium, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer, always on the look out for talented professionals with a thirst for data science, security and secure info sharing. Please check back here for open positions.
Team Dymium
Meet Our Board of Directors
Core Beliefs
Dymium believes that data can be more secure, and when it is more secure, it can be freed up for access to drive greater innovation.
We believe users should be able to access only the data that they need, in the context they need it, in the right format in real-time without the burden of managing yet another data environment or putting their company, their country, or your citizens at risk.
Change the Dynamic
It is not about putting more perimeters around your data. It is about removing the data risk from the equation by not moving the data in the first place.
Governance Designed
for Agility
It is not about locking down the data it is about removing the data from the risk so that you can enable innovation and business agility. Innovation is the goal and the way to get there is to govern for agility.
Build Backwards, Sideways or
Upside Down
Don’t keep doing things the same way and expect a different outcome. Transformation doesn’t mean you have to rip out what you’ve already invested in.
Be Good Stewards
Sensitive information can be critical to an organization, but it can cost lives in the wrong hands. Managing sensitive and private data comes with the responsibility to make sure it gets used for good.